Credits: KS Mapping, DrtyDiesel Modding, geeman72, Tofo69

CountyLine Multi 4X – modder Tofo69 somehow wanted to check out a map that he once actively played on and which he fell in love with immensely. This map was given the name Countyline. However, when Tofo69 loaded it, he was greeted only with white squares, replacing the entire area. There was speculation that the area had undergone changes, and the author took out his blank multifruit card in preparation for the challenge. Tofo69 exported the old map and imported it into the new one, while fixing the shaders as much as he could and eliminating a visible set of errors. And finally, it was a success. Here is the CountyLine Multi 4X. The author conducted thorough testing using many mods and did not find any problems. In addition, all old trees were replaced with new ones, which provides the opportunity to change trees depending on the time of year, which, in the author’s opinion, was always lacking.

Features CountyLine Multi 4X:
– Borden Dairy Production
– Burksville Brewery
– Hillside Chips Factory
– Pete’s Hardware now has Produce Garden
– Adjusted Productions
– Con Agra FloorMill
– BlackSheep Cloth
– Moore Bakery
– Moore SugarMill

Tested on game version 1.14.x